A young woman has been imprisoned by her father in Saudi Arabia...Amina
Al-Jeffery's case is due to be reconsidered by a judge at a hearing in
the Family Division of the High Court in London on Wednesday.
Mr Justice Holman initially analysed evidence at a hearing during the summer of 2016.
Miss Al-Jeffery, who is in her twenties, grew up in Swansea and has dual British and Saudi Arabian nationality.
She complained that her father Mohammed Al-Jeffery had locked her up in his flat in Jeddah because she had "kissed a guy".
Her father, a Saudi academic, disputed her allegations and said he was trying to protect her.
Mr Justice Holman concluded that Miss Al-Jeffery's freedom of movement had been severely constrained.
He ordered Mr Al-Jeffery to "permit and facilitate" Miss Al-Jeffery's return to England or Wales.
Miss Al-Jeffery's solicitor, Anne-Marie Hutchinson, says she has yet to return.
The judge has been told that Ms Hutchinson has been trying to arrange a meeting with Miss Al-Jeffery in Saudi Arabia.
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