Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Meet Super Model with rare genetic disorder which has left her bald and without any teeth reveals how embracing her unique appearance helped to boost her fashion career

Model Melanie Gaydos, 27, suffers from ectodermal dysplasia, a genetic disorder that causes skin and bone abnormalities... 

More after the cut
She was born with ectodermal dysplasia, a genetic disorder that affects the growth of teeth, pores, cartilage, nails and even small bones. The condition means Melanie is bald, and doesn't have any adult teeth. 

On the rise: Model Melanie Gaydos, 27, suffers from ectodermal dysplasia, a genetic disorder that causes skin and bone abnormalities 

Melanie, a Connecticut native, talked to Yahoo! Style about getting her start in modeling, dealing with negative comments - and why she refuses to wear dental implants despite not having any teeth.

'People are more comfortable when I have teeth in my mouth,' she said, before adding: 'But I’m not.'
 Stand out from the crowd: The model, who has no adult teeth, stopped wearing dental implants because they were uncomfortable

Of her inspiration to become a model, Melanie revealed: 'I always had this fascination of being larger than life. I wanted to be on a billboard or on a big movie screen.'

But the model's first passion was fine art, which she studied at New York's Pratt Institute and which first helped usher her into modeling, after she began focusing on self-portraits, allowing her to discover and embrace her own unique beauty.

'I think it helps other people to see me in a different way rather than if they met me on the street, and what their preconceived notions might be,' she explained. 
Eventually, a boyfriend convinced her to try modeling. Melanie recalled: 'He helped me to understand that I am the only person who looks like me, that there was potential.'

Larger than life: Melanie, a fine art student, started modeling after gaining confidence from self-portraiture
Music maestro: She appeared in a music video for German heavy metal band Rammstein and has posed for renowned photographers including Christian Martin Weiss and Scott Irvine

 Happy: The model said she is not bitter about her genetic condition, sharing: 'It doesn't bother me, and it never did'
 Photo credit : Daily Mail

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