Thursday, June 30, 2016

Iggy Azalea Dumped Nick Young Because He Got His Baby mama Pregnant again

Iggy Azalea ex boyfriend reportedly got the mother of his son pregnant again. According to Life & Style, Azalea terminated her engagement with Young after finding out that he had impregnated Keonna Green, his ex-girlfriend and the mother of his four-year-old son.

“He said it was a one-night stand and will never happen again,” a source told Life and Style. “But it’s too late. He is having another son!”

Azalea announced that she had broken up with Young via a note posted to Instagram. The fact that Swaggy P knocked up his ex-girfriend makes her note look even more stoic in retrospect:
'Tried to rebuild trust' Iggy publicly announced her split from Young last week with this message posted to social media
“Unfortunately although I love Nick and have tried and tried to rebuild my trust in him – It’s become apparent in the last few weeks I am unable to,” she wrote. “I genuinely wish Nick the best. It’s never easy to part ways with the person you planned your entire future with, but futures can be rewritten and as of today mine is a blank page.”

Sources say that Iggy, 26, was always supportive of Young's friendship with his ex but that he 'took advantage of her trust'
Sources say that Iggy, 26, was always supportive of Young's friendship with his ex but that he 'took advantage of her trust'

The athlete was pictured celebrating his son's fourth birthday with Keonna and other family members on March 20 this year.
'Nick waited until Keonna was four months pregnant to tell Iggy the news,' sources revealed. Nick and Keonna are pictured with their son in June 2015
Keonna poses with her hand on her belly and if the reports are true then she was likely to be at least four-weeks pregnant at the time the photo was taken.

One big happy family: Nick and ex-girlfriend Keonna Green, the mother of his four-year-old son Nick Jr. are apparently expecting another boy. They are pictured at their son's fourth birthday party in March

 Iggy Azalea Dumped Nick Young Because He Got His Baby mama Pregnant again

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