Wednesday, February 10, 2016

BREAKING NEWS: Sunderland football player Adam Johnson pleads GUILTY to sexual activity with a child

Trial: Adam Johnson arriving at Bradford Crown Court today with his girlfriend Stacey Flounders
Sunderland striker Adam Johnson has pleaded guilty today to one count of sexual activity with a child and one count of grooming. The 28-year-old faces two other charges of sexual activity with a child aged under 16 years.

Star: Johnson, left, has played 12 times for England and is currently a winger with Sunderland
The Sunderland winger's trial is being heard at Bradford Crown Court. All counts relate to a teenage girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons. Johnson, wearing a black suit, white shirt and grey tie, today spoke only to confirm his name and enter two guilty pleas. Johnson's partner Stacey Flounders - mother to their one-year-old girl - was present in court, sat alongside Johnson's father.

Trial: Adam Johnson arriving at Bradford Crown Court today with his girlfriend Stacey Flounders

Couple: Miss Flounders has stood by Johnson since his initial arrest in March last year

Johnson had initially denied all four charges against him, but today he changed his plea to guilty on two of the counts. The jury which was sworn in today was told that Johnson has pleaded guilty to two charges. Jurors heard that the case will open on Friday, and Judge Jonathan Rose warned them that they can only consider evidence which is presented in court.

Arrival: The footballer initially pleaded not guilty to all of the charges against him

'You may see reference to this in the press but it's the evidence in court that you will gather,' he said.
'This defendant has already pleaded guilty to two offences, you will hear more about them in detail when Miss Blackwell opens the case to you on Friday.'

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