Monday, May 15, 2017

Man gang up with six other men to GANG-RAPE his ex-girlfriend...then drives a car over her head to stop her being identified before leaving her for dogs to eat in India

A jilted boyfriend gang-raped his ex-girlfriend with six other men then drove a car over her head to stop her being identified in India

A jilted boyfriend gang-raped his ex-girlfriend (pictured) with six other men then drove a car over her head to stop her being identified in India, it has emerged 

The mutilated body of the 23-year-old woman was found being torn apart by dogs after she was abducted from Sonipat and driven to the city of Rohtak in the country's north

There she was raped and tortured with sharp-edged objects before having her skull smashed with bricks when she threatened to tell police

Her attackers then crushed her with a car in a bid to conceal her identity, according to local reports.
The incident comes just days after the Supreme Court upheld the death penalty for four men in the Nirbhaya gang-rape and murder case from Delhi that had sparked nationwide revulsion and legal reforms

A local man Sumit Kumar, whose age is not known, along with and half-a-dozen associates are alleged to have carried out the abduction

Police announced on Saturday that they had arrested Kumar and an associate named as Vikas.

The victim's family members identified the body and told the police that Sumit and six to seven men had stormed their house and threatened the woman after she refused to marry him

Station house officer Ajay Kumar confirmed: 'The victim was living with her mother.
'She had left for the job on May 9 around 7am when the accused, Sumit, along with his accomplice, Vikas, abducted her in a car'.

Police found the 23-year-old's mutilated body being torn apart by dogs at an industrial site in Rohtak district (pictured - an official exams the victim's body)

'We have recovered victim's body who was later identified as a resident of Kalupur Chungi area of Sonipat. The investigation is ongoing and we have arrested the prime accused Sumit and his accomplice, Vikas.

'Sumit has confessed to the crime and told us that they killed the victim after raping her,' Ajay Kumar said.
The autopsy report found her skull was smashed in an attempt to disfigure her.

'The postmortem has revealed that the victim was first intoxicated by mixing sedatives in a soft drink. It is believed that the victim was raped and killed after she fell unconscious.

'Her head has been crushed brutally,' said senior professor and forensic medicine expert Dr SK Dhatarwal.
'We have also found broken bones. The accused indulged in this brutal act to deface her.'

Police say Sumit told them that after abducting the woman, they took her to Rohtak and stopped the vehicle near Parsvnath City. He asked the victim again to marry him but she refused. This infuriated him and he killed her, police say.

'I was in love with her and she also loved me. There was some altercation between us and I killed her with a brick,' Sumit said on camera.

The woman's mother has demanded that all those involved in the crime be hanged.

The brutality of the December 29, 2012, gang-rape and murder of a woman, who was named 'Nirbhaya' – meaning fearless – because of laws against naming rape victims, provoked intense anger and weeks of protests across Indian cities and also hit international headlines.

Government statistics show that almost 90 per cent of rapes in the country are committed by people known to the victims. 

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