Two men were blindfolded and stoned to death before a large crowd of men and children for allegedly having sex outside marriage.
According to Dailymail,
sickening photos show victims being pelted with heavy rocks near the
city of Abu Kamal in eastern Syria, close to the border with Iraq. The
act was carried out by ISIS terror group who reportedly accused the men
of adultery and sentenced them to death.
Charges against the two men were read out over a loud speaker
before the men are led to their fate. One, wearing dark trousers and a
white top, is handcuffed and blindfolded before being forced to kneel on
a carpet.
Moments later, executioners inflict gruesome injuries on his head
and body by hurling rocks at him leaving him dead. The same fate met the
other man charged with the first as his body could be seen lying dead
after being stoned.
Two Men Stoned to Death for Allegedly Committing Adultery
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