Saturday, July 9, 2016

Chris Brown asks other celebrities with 'actual voice' to speak up

Singer Chris Brown also took to his social media to voice his outrage over the shootings and called for celebrities to use their star power to encourage people to unite. 

He said 

'I hate making these videos, cuz (sic) I hate to be acting like I'm the one preaching all the time,' the Grammy award winning singer said in a 28-second long video on his Instagram page. 
'For this time, I'm just asking all of the celebrities, all of these people with actual voices, when you want somebody to buy your f***ing album, when you hear 'mixtape do this do that,' get on stage and do whatever is the f*** you do, shake your a**, shake your stomach, whatever the f*** you do. 
'How about we speak up right now, and help people?
'Can we help? Can our voices actually mean something please?'  

In another post to his Instagram page, Brown shared a meme with the words 'STOP' across it to his page. 

Chris Brown asks other celebrities with 'actual voice' to speak up

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