Saturday, July 9, 2016

Barack Obama having the worse time in Office and a nation more riven than ever

With five Dallas police officers dead and seven more wounded after a night of chaos and carnage, Americans woke up yesterday to a twisted new landmark in its race crisis

His volte face said it all: the black President whose milestone administration, it was hoped, would finally exorcise America’s race demons, yesterday tripped over himself in successive statements, first berating police for racism and then, just hours later, praising them to the skies.

With five Dallas police officers dead and seven more wounded after a night of chaos and carnage, Americans woke up yesterday to a twisted new landmark in its race crisis — the deadliest day for U.S. law enforcement since the September 11 attacks.
‘This is not America. We shouldn’t be seeing this today or any other day,’ sighed a CNN breakfast presenter, providing one of the first of many pointless platitudes during the day.

With five Dallas police officers dead and seven more wounded after a night of chaos and carnage, Americans woke up yesterday to a twisted new landmark in its race crisis

And for all the country’s traditional optimism and endless boasting about being the world’s most successful melting pot, it is home to the sort of stark racial divisions that Europeans would find shocking

The problem is that it most certainly is America. And for all the country’s traditional optimism and endless boasting about being the world’s most successful melting pot, it is home to the sort of stark racial divisions that Europeans would find shocking.
Add to those divisions a constitutionally-enshrined free-for-all gun culture and unaccountable, backwards-looking police forces, and you have a racial volcano waiting to erupt

When Barack Obama was elected President in 2008, many were tempted to think that if his time in the White House achieved nothing else, it would bring blacks, whites and Hispanics far closer together. For the fact is that all sections of society voted for him (together with an impressive 45 per cent of white voters).
But the President and his admirers have had to watch helplessly as America’s tensions — focused on a simmering undeclared war between some African-Americans and the police — have got markedly worse.

In the past two years, outrage about police killings of black Americans has become a nationwide and even international issue in a way that hasn’t been the case since the race riots of the Sixties and the gun battles between National Guardsmen and militant black rights groups such as the Black Panthers.

The touchpaper was lit in August 2014 by the killing of the black 18-year-old Michael Brown by a white officer, Darren Wilson, in Ferguson, Missouri. Like many parts of the U.S., Ferguson had an appalling record of hostility and mistrust between a largely black, poor population and an almost entirely white police force.

Outrage about police killings of black Americans has become a nationwide and even international issue

Defenders of the police have hit back at protest movement Black Lives Matter and say that is protecting criminal behaviour

The shooting — defended by police who said that Michael Brown had tried to take the officer’s gun — sparked days of rioting.

Protesters made it clear that the unrest was about far more than the teenager’s death, citing such injustices as the local police being three times more likely to stop black motorists than whites and nearly twice as likely to search them.

Demonstrations spread across the country and even more heinous examples of police brutality towards black men swiftly followed.

 Barack Obama having the worse time in Office and a nation more riven than ever

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