Thursday, April 21, 2016

Photo of married female Pastor And Singer That Died In Benin Hotel with another man

News of a female Pastor Yvonne who died in a hotel went viral recently. The face of the pastor who lodged with her in hotel has been finally revealed. Photo after the cut

Pictured above is Pastor Psalm Okpe of Fresh Oil Ministry, who took Yvonne to a hotel in Benin where she passed a night with him without her husband's knowledge and died under controversial circumstances.

Her husband said from the CCTV footage he and his people watched, his wife Lodge in the same room with the pastor, but he had claimed that they were not together. The husband also alleged that the way the pastor was moving as captured by the CCTV showed he knew what led to his wife's death.

Sources say the pastor is in detention but some big pastors are asking the husband to drop the case.

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