Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Nicki Minaj's older Brother Indicted For Raping 12-Year-Old Girl

Jaleni Maraj, the brother of Nicki Minaj, has been indicted for raping a 12-year-old girl, reports Bossip upon obtaining previously unseen court records. He had been arrested for the alleged crime in December and was released the same day on $100,000 bail, which was reportedly paid by Nicki Minaj. 

A grand jury had been deliberating the accusations made against Maraj for about a month before making the decision to indict him on April 4. The indictment means Maraj has officially been charged with felony predatory assault against a child, felony sexual conduct against a child under age 13, sexual conduct against a child, and endangering the welfare of a child. 

If convicted solely on the charge of felony predatory assault against a child, Maraj will face upwards of 15 years in prison as well as the possibility of a life sentence.

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