Friday, March 4, 2016

Google Earth spots possible missing 'MH370 wreckage' Plane

Missing MH370 and giant crab

A US Air Force veteran spotted something incredibly unusual on Google Earth yesterday - but he's not the first. Scott C Waring believes a satellite image could show the underwater wreckage of missing plane MH370. The plane was flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March 8, 2014 when it failed to make contact with air traffic control. 

Since then there has been numerous conspiracy theories , claims and allegations of what happened to the Boeing 777 and the 227 passengers and 12 crew on board. 

Flight MH370 Found? On Google Earth Map Near Cape Of Good Hope

But Mr Waring believes there is a chance a shadow shown in an image taken of the Cape of Good Hope could be the remains of the doomed plane.

His discovery is not the first time strange objects have been spotted in Google Earth images.

Here are some of the weirdest:

Whitstable Giant Crab
weird Whitstable  Making a splash: A close up of the 'super crab' picture that is creating waves 

Dwarfing nearby fishing boats, the unnerving image was captured from above last year in a popular crabbing spot prompting residents to scuttle away – perhaps even sideways – in fear.

Apparently passers by saw the creature slip sideways into the water as two young boys fished nearby. But others have claimed the image could easily have been photoshopped. Boo hiss to them.

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