Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Four Taliban gunmen who massacred 150 people at a school in Pakistan are hanged as parents of the victims say they deserved 'no forgiveness'

Carnage: Blood is smeared across the floor inside the auditorium of an army public school where 150 people, mostly children, masacred by Taliban gunmen in December last year. Pakistan today executed four men linked to the attack, with parents of victims saying they deserved 'no forgiveness' for their actions
Pakistan today executed four men linked to the Taliban massacre of 130 pupils at a school in December, with parents of victims saying they deserved 'no forgiveness' for their actions. The executions was carried out by hanging at a prison in the city of Kohat, were the first in connection with the December 16 attack on an army-run school in the northwestern city of Peshawar.

Survivors of the assault, in which the majority of the more than 150 victims were children, said they were 'happy' to hear of the executions, with one father saying the hangings should have been carried out in public squares rather than behind prison doors.
A soldier inspects the school which was peppered with hundreds of bullets during the attack by the Taliban
The attack was Pakistan's deadliest and shocked a country already scarred by nearly a decade of extremism.
'The rest should be caught too, no one should be spared,' said survivor Waheed Anjum, 18. 
Anjum, who was 17 at the time of the attack, was struck by three bullets, one in each arm and one in his chest.
'They shouldn't have been hanged from prisons, they should have been hanged from squares,' his father Momin Khan Khattak added.
'There is no forgiveness in our hearts after what they did to our children.' 

A Pakistani girl injured in the Taliban attack on the school is rushed to a hospital in Peshawar

Mourners pray for victims of the massacre. The attack was Pakistan's deadliest and shocked a country already scarred by nearly a decade of extremism

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