Friday, December 18, 2015

Britain set to send 1,000 troops to help fight ISIS militants in Libya
Britain prime Minister, David Cameron could send 1,000 British troops to Libya in a bid to help destroy Islamic State militants. Four years after Muammar Gaddafi's fall, Libya is deeply fractured. The political turmoil in the region has allowed ISIS to gain a foothold in parts of Libya, alongside Iraq and Syria. The deal could see the UK send 1,000 troops, who would be operating in a non-combat role, alongside special forces. It is understood that British officials have been working with Italian military experts on the proposed action.

Prime Minister David Cameron described the deal as "an important step forward" in tackling ISIS.
He said: "The UK is firmly committed to securing a stable and prosperous future for Libya.

"This agreement means the international community can now engage with one unified, representative government in Libya in the fight against Daesh ." 

British troops would also be tasked with tracking down smugglers responsible for dangerously transporting migrants towards Europe.

Militants of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) posing with the trademark Jihadists flag

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