Friday, November 27, 2015

Woman bath with Petrol and set on fire by her admirer for refusing him

A woman who was set on fire for turning down a friend's advances. Dovile Krivickaite, 25, was turned into a human fireball after being doused with petrol and set alight with a cigarette lighter. She suffered severe burns to 24 per cent of her body, all because she turned down the unwanted affections of evil Mohammed Kosar . Kosar, originally from Somalia, was jailed for 16 years for attempted murder while Dovile has been left permanently disfigured following the attack.

Dovile Krivickaite's burns
Speaking out about her ordeal, brave Doville said: 

"There was no way I could stop it. The flames spread quickly and engulfed my whole body.
"I saw the skin on my hands peeling off before my eyes.
"I remember screaming out and just wishing that I would die just so the pain would end.
"Mohammed might be locked away for now but I've been punished too. I will have to live with these horrific injuries for the rest of my life and they are a constant reminder of that day."

Dovile Krivickaite's burnsDovile Krivickaite's burns
Dovile, who had a boyfriend at the time, told Mohammed that she saw him as her friend only.
She said: 

"When I initially turned him down he laughed it off. He seemed to take it well.
"Then he asked me several more times after that. Each time I told him firmly 'no'.
"I just didn't fancy him and couldn't imagine us being together in that way."
Dovile thought things were alright between the two of them and on October 19, 2013,
Mohammed arranged to pick her up from a street in Forest Gate, East London, before heading to a local pub with friends.

Attack: Dovile Krivickaite was led away before being doused with petrol

Dovile said: "We had barely started driving when the car slowly ground to a halt in a quiet residential area as if it had run out of fuel.
"Mohammed turned to me and said, 'Let's go outside and have a word.'"
Picking up the 5 litre can of petrol by his feet, Mohammed refuelled the car and led Dovile down an alleyway - with the can still in his hand.
She added: "Before I had time to think he was emptying the petrol over me and it splattered down the left side of my body.
"'What are you doing?' I shouted at him in confusion.
"He didn't answer. The next thing I heard was the click of a lighter."
 Dovile Krivickaite's burns
Dovile Krivickaite's burns

She said:

 "At first the heat was like the feeling you get when you stand too close to a BBQ, but rapidly it got much worse and there was no escape.
"I could smell burning flesh as the flames ate through my layers of clothes.
"I was screaming out so hard that my voice went hoarse."
Paramedics cut through Dovile's clothes to stop them sticking to her scorched skin before taking her to Newham University Hospital where she was given morphine for the pain.
She was later transferred to a specialist burns unit at Broomfield Hospital in Chelmsford, Essex, as doctors battled to save her skin but she has been left with life-changing injuries.

Dovile Krivickaite's burns

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