Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Hotels in Sharm el-Sheikh using 'fake' bomb detectors to check bags and cars for explosives

Sharm El Sheikh Security
Security staff at several hotels are using scanner-style equipment which has been severely criticised to test bags and cars. This is the moment a member of staff at a hotel in terror-hit Sharm el-Sheikh used a bomb scanner that has been labelled "absolute rubbish" by experts.  Ex-Parachute Regiment soldier and global security adviser Paul Biddiss told the Mirror: 
“If they are what they appear then these so-called scanners are absolute rubbish, as much use as a chocolate fireguard.”

Mr Biddiss said if the scanners were the same, then they are “utterly useless”.
He went on: “It is supposedly aimed at detecting vapours coming off a device.
“The only use for these things would be as a deterrent, but they could actually cost lives if people believed they worked.
“When they emerged in Iraq they promoted a false sense of security, with many Iraqis being killed because of these implements.”

 James McCormick

British tourists arrive at the airport
Sharm El Sheikh Security
  Sharm El Sheikh Security
 Sharm el-Sheikh

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