Thursday, February 23, 2017

Shocking! Depressed Chinese women "experience death" by lying in hillside shallow graves to "appreciate life"

Depressed and Hopeless women are being invited to the 'grave classroom' to experience death - in the hope that it will give them a new lease of life. See photos after the cut

Divorced women lie in 'tombs' to meditate on their life in Gele Mountain in southwest China's Chongqing

Liu Taijie, 30, founded the unique experience after her attempt to take her own life three years ago.
She had reached rock bottom after being unable to get a job at the same time her marriage started failing.

But after her recovery, she decided she would use her own experiences to make a difference to the lives of other women.

 Divorced women lie in 'tombs' to meditate on their life in Gele Mountain in southwest China's Chongqing

Liu created the 'grave classroom', which consists of a small piece of open land on a hillside with six shallow graves dug into it.

Women are then invited to lie in the holes and contemplate the world without them in it.
They are also given mindfulness lessons in the grave classroom, and encouraged to regain their confidence and self-worth . 

 Divorced women lie in 'tombs' to meditate on their life in Gele Mountain in southwest China's Chongqing

Shocking! Depressed Chinese women "experience death" by lying in hillside shallow graves to "appreciate life"

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