Friday, February 24, 2017

North Korea leader Kim Jong-un's half brother assassinated with toxic weapon of mass destruction

According to The Mirror...The half brother of North Korea leader Kim Jong-un was assassinated with a nerve agent so toxic it is classed as a weapon of mass destruction.



Malaysian police said a preliminary report showed the murder of Kim Jong-nam was carried out with a chemical known as VX nerve agent.

The police said swabs were taken from an eye and his face.

"Other exhibits are under analysis," Malaysian police chief Khalid Abu Bakar said in a statement.
Kim, the estranged half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, died after being assaulted at Kuala Lumpur International Airport last week while preparing to board a flight to Macau.

Police chief Khalid said that a Vietnamese woman and a Indonesian woman wiped a liquid on Kim Jong Nam's face. 

They later washed their hands and fled the scene.

VX nerve agent, or S-2 Diisoprophylaminoethyl methylphosphonothiolate, is a chemical weapon classified as a weapon of mass destruction by the United Nations.

It is tasteless and odourless, and is outlawed under the Chemical Weapons Convention, except for "research, medical or pharmaceutical purposes".

It can be manufactured as a liquid, cream or aerosol.

Absorbed in large doses, it is fatal after 15 minutes, according to the U.S. Army's Edgewood Chemical Biological Center, making it the most toxic known nerve agent in the world.

CCTV footage has captured the moment Kim Jong-nam was brazenly murdered by a woman in front of bystanders in a busy Malaysian Airport. It is still not known how the agent was applied without the woman becoming ill.

The video begins with him arriving at the concourse in Kuala Lumpur International Airport in a light jacket and carrying a backpack.

He is shown looking at the flight departure boards with other passengers.

Kim, who was preparing to fly to Macau, goes to a ticket machine while the suspects are also shown lurking in the vicinity.



 Kim Jong-Nam

The "LOL jumper" suspect Doan Thi Huong approaches him from behind.

She reaches around appears to target his face, possibly with a poisoned cloth or spray while still standing behind him.

Other travellers stand nearby and don't appear to realise what has just occurred.
The attacker then casually walks off unrushed.

Kim is then shown seeking help from airport staff as he complains about the incident.

In one shot, he motions to the staff member that someone had sprayed something in his face.
In another shot, he appears to talk to security.

He is then shown in the airport's medical clinic.

The footage was leaked to Malaysiakini while the suspect was caught on CCTV leaving in a taxi.

The development comes after a Vietnamese man said he believes his sister is the "LOL jumper suspect" arrested.

Joseph Doan has confirmed that his sister's name was Doan Thi Huong and that she was born in 1988 in Nam Dinh province, southeast of the capital Hanoi.

Those details are the same as those released by Malaysian police.

"We only hear on the internet and everyone else hears on the internet but judging from the picture it looks like her," he said in Nam Dinh.

"I can't be a 100 percent certain because we haven't met her yet."

Malaysian police have said that among those arrested was a woman with a Vietnamese travel document.

Vietnamese authorities have said only that they are investigating and are in touch with Malaysia.
The rice farmer said his sister appeared to be the woman whose image was captured in a grainy airport CCTV image wearing a white shirt with the acronym 'LOL' on it.
He said Vietnamese authorities had been in touch and had been supportive.

Doan said his sister had left home when she was 18 and only came home occasionally and without letting anyone know when she would be back.

North Korea leader Kim Jong-un's half brother assassinated with toxic weapon of mass destruction

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