A Michigan man “snapped” when his 5-year-old stepdaughter said she
wanted something to eat — stabbing the little girl to death, and then
setting her body on fire
25 year old Thomas McClellan, 25, of Holt, admitted that he knocked Luna Michelle
Younger to the ground, sat on her hips and stabbed her in the chest on
Nov. 1 after she wouldn’t leave his room
McClellan then wrapped the girl’s lifeless body in blankets, dumped alcohol on it and lit it on fire
McClellan is charged with murder, first-degree child abuse and
first-degree arson in the gruesome death of his stepdaughter at the
family’s Keller Road home. He faces up to life in prison if convicted of
the crime
As McClellan was brutally murdering his stepdaughter, the girl’s
mother, Victoria McClellan, didnt bother to call the police... instead She begged and convinced McClellan to surrender to police
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