Friday, December 16, 2016

Vladimir Putin 'personally supervised Russian hacking of US Presidential election

Vladimir Putin personally supervised the hacking of the US Presidential election, it has sensationally been claimed

US officials are growingly increasingly certain that Putin oversaw the surveillance and hacking campaign which saw embarrassing material about Hillary Clinton leaked

If anything, given his background as a KGB officer, Putin has a much tighter grip on all Russian intelligence operations, civilian and military, foreign and domestic, than any democratic leader does," one US official said.

Russian President Vladimir Putin

President-elect Donald Trump has reacted angrily to the reports and says he won the November 8 vote fairly

Russian officials have denied the accusations

Ben Rhodes, the White House's deputy national security adviser, told MSNBC: "I don't think things happen in the Russian government of this consequence without Vladimir Putin knowing about it.
"When you're talking about a significant cyber intrusion like this, we're talking about the highest levels of government.

 Vladimir Putin 'personally supervised Russian hacking of US Presidential election

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