Thursday, December 1, 2016

Rihanna and Prince Harry take HIV tests together to mark World Aids Day in Barbados

The prince has been campaigning for a number of months to encourage more people to come forward and be tested for the illness, which can now be managed with drugs
Pop superstar Rihanna teased Prince Harry when they both volunteered for HIV tests to highlight World Aids Day.

The pair have taken the tests in Bridgetown on the island of Barbados as his tour of the Commonwealth island comes to a close. 

Rihanna joked that the test was 'so easy' after Harry warned her it would be painful and winced when his blood was taken.

Both Rihanna and the prince tested negative after waiting 20 minutes at the HIV drop-in centre which targets men.   

Pop superstar Rihanna teased Prince Harry when they both volunteered for HIV tests to highlight World Aids Day
The prince has been campaigning for a number of months to encourage more people to come forward and be tested for the illness, which can now be managed with drugs

The pair have taken the tests, which produce results within 20 minutes, in Bridgetown on the island of Barbados on World Aids Day

 The prince had teased the singer that the test would be painful and winced as the needle went into his fingerĀ 

The intimate moment came after the pair had sat side by side in the early hours of this morning during a concertĀ 
Rihanna and Prince Harry were both given a piece of cotton wool to dab their fingers after the blood was taken for the test
 Both Rihanna and the prince tested negative after waiting 20 minutes at the HIV drop-in centre which targets men

Singer Rihanna sticks her tongue out as she has her blood taken at the 'Man Aware' event held by the Barbados National HIV/AIDS Commission

Prince Harry and Susette Neblett-Straughn from the Ministry of Health HIV Program at the centre for men with the conditionĀ  

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