Thursday, December 1, 2016

Prostitute Steals Client's Entire Salary After All-night Sex

A man who hired a prostitute after receiving his salary has dragged her to court after he accused her of stealing his monthly pay for an all night sex.
According to The Chronicle, the woman identified as Valentine Sibanda from Mpopoa suburb, yesterday appeared in court for stealing $450, from Mr Doubt Chindove (35) on November 20.
She pleaded guilty to theft before Western Commonage magistrate Mr Abednico Ndebele. She was remanded in custody to tomorrow for sentence.
Explaining how she stole the man's monthly salary, the state prosecutor, Ms Magret Takawira said the two met at a sports bar in the city centre and struck a deal to spend the night at Chindove’s house.

According to Takawira, while Mr Chindove was still asleep, the prostitute woke up around 4 am and stole his wallet containing a driver’s licence, defensive driver’s licence, car keys and $450. She also took a Samsung Galaxy Tablet 3.
While her plea was being recorded, Sibanda told Magistrate Ndebele that she only saw $300 in the wallet and could not be held accountable for the difference.
The magistrate asked about the amount of money that she was supposed to be paid for her services, drawing laughter from the gallery.
“Why did you steal from your client? Don’t you realise that if you steal from clients you’re destroying your client base? You said you had charged him $20 for the night, how then can you explain stealing over a thousand dollars worth of property from him? Did he do more rounds than you had initially agreed on, or you didn’t like his performance?” asked Mr Ndebele.
Sibanda said she thought Mr Chindove would refuse to pay and decided to take the money and leave.
The total value of the stolen property was at $1 090 and only $790 was recovered.

Prostitute Steals Client's Entire Salary After All-night Sex

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