Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Man burnt his wife alive after she discovered he was having an affair

Man burnt his wife alive after she discovered he was having an affair. then claimed she died while making him sandwich 

The man identified as Darren Byrne was today found guilty of murdering spouse Maria, 35, in the kitchen of their home 

Byrne had told his wife, who was also the mother of his two children, that the affair was over on February 13, but she discovered a text on a secret phone he used to speak to his mistress and a furious argument ensued 

Byrne knocked Maria out and, as she lay on the floor, he poured white spirit on her and set her alight. He then turned on the gas stove in a bid to set fire to his house to cover the crime 

After this failed, he moved the his wife's body to make it look like a tragic cooking accident. He then called the emergency services, saying 'My wife is dead she is dead. She's burnt badly.' 

Byrne told police he been out walking the dog whilst his wife made him sandwich but returned home to find her lying on the floor : He even called 999 and a recording played to the court showed him pretending to have found his wife dead after an horrific accident

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