Monday, December 5, 2016

Husband Abandons Wife and Three Kids to Live with his Pretty Girlfriend

A man identified as Brian Chipungu allegedly left his wife and three kids in October claiming that he was going to Mutare on his elevator repair business.
The wife raised the alarm following the hardship she has been enduring with the children.

Brian Chipungu

My husband is never home; he always uses work as an excuse and when he said he is leaving for Mutare, l had a feeling he was lying.
His girlfriend Dorothy, whom l thought he had cut ties with, calls me using private numbers telling me that l am going to suffer
This girl has always been a threat in my marriage but l was certain they broke up last year in August when Dorothy went to South Africa. She used to insult me, l even got a protection order to make her stop bothering me but now that it has expired she has started again. 
It pains me that these people fail to respect me and my marriage. I heard they are renting a house, yet my husband claims to be in work” she said.
It’s really confusing when someone calls me saying that she is staying with my husband and when l confront him he calls me insane and overprotective.

I approached lawyers because l wanted to sue them both but they said I should wait and confirm if she gets pregnant so that we use adultery damages against them.

I am suffering right now with no money or food to provide for the family yet l hear he is renting a house for her; he has not provided anything ever since

Brian denied all the allegations
I am no longer in a relationship with Dorothy and l think I last saw her two years ago. My wife is crazy, she only wants to see me home but l am here busy trying to make ends meet and provide for the family. The problem is that she is a liar

Dorothy, also denied the accusations
That woman is crazy, I do not have time to call or talk to people like her; she must know that l haven’t seen her husband in years.
Right now I am in Bulawayo at school, l don’t need such drama if she continues to tell you lies l will get her arrested again,” she said.

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