Saturday, November 5, 2016

Woman left with serious injured as waiter pours boiling water over her for complaining about the restaurant soup

A woman who had boiling water poured over head when she complained about the service in a Chinese restaurant has been awarded £28,000 compensation.

This horrific footage shows the moment a waiter poured the scolding water over the customer's head - then continues to beat her on the ground.

The woman, known only by her surname Lin, was dining at the restaurant in Wenzhou, eastern China, with friends and family, including her mother and her seven-month-old son.

The woman asked the waiter, surnamed Zhu, 17, to add more hot soup to the group's pot but he did not

She asked a second time but the waiter told her that her pot did not need a top up.

The woman immediately posted a complaint on the Weibo social media account of the restaurant's shareholders.

The waiter found out about the review and demanded the post be removed.

When it was not, he returned to the table with a large tub of boiling water and poured it over her head.

The shocking attack was captured on CCTV cameras in the restaurant.

A woman who was brutally assaulted by a restaurant waiter has been awarded £28,000 in compensation by a Chinese court

The shocking incident took place in August last year.

The attacker was sentenced to 22 months imprisonment in January.

The case was decided by the Lucheng District Court this week, ruling the restaurant should pay 237,000 yuan in the local currency.

Lin had asked for about 570,000 yuan (£674,000) but the court discovered the restaurant had paid for some of Lin's medical fees already, the website reported.

Woman left with serious injured as waiter pours boiling water over her for complaining about the restaurant soup

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