Thursday, November 10, 2016

'I’ll tear my green card on January 20' - says Wole Soyinka

Prof. Wole Soyinka, has given another indication that he will tear up his Green Card on January 20, 2017, the day Donald Trump will be inaugurated as the 45th President of the US.

Soyinka last week said he will destroy his US green card if Trump wins the US election,but he has now change his mind extending the date to January 20, 2017

In an interview with The INTERVIEW, Asked if he still intended to thrash the card, he said, “Come January 20, 2017; watch my WOLEXIT!”
 The possibility (of Trump’s victory) was looming nearer and nearer, getting scarier and scarier.
“As the election day approached, the specter became near palpable. I refused to switch on the television this morning until I had stiffened myself with a strong espresso. I felt disaster in my marrow.
“Trump’s wall is already under construction. Walls are built in the mind, and Trump has erected walls, not only across the mental landscape of America but across the global landscape. “I am glad you referred to the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall – that was one anniversary in reversal!”

By WOLEXIT, he seemed to be referring to his final ‘exit’ from the US, playing on Brexit, the expression referring to Britain’s historical exit from the European Union.

Although he said he was not too surprised that Trump won, he noted that his victory had brought an already teetering world closer to the precipice.

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