Wednesday, November 23, 2016

10 Categories of Nigerians That Will Regret Their Lives If MMM Crashes

MMM, is a mutual fund scheme that has been driving a lot of Nigerians crazy due to the quagmire state of the nation.

However, everyone invests in it for purpose of receiving 30% profit after 30 days without knowing that the devil sometimes gives you a shoe with the left hand and collects your leg with the right hand.

Though, many believe that it's fallacy to think that MMM will crash, but what if it does?; the following categories of people will regret their lives... some may loss their lives

1. The Awoofians

Many will agree with me that an average Nigerian wants to reap where he/she did not sow. The awoofians are usually attending parties they are not invited and will be gulping beer and feeding like there's famine in Nigeria. Some will even go as far as selling their family houses just to invest into it

2. Those who resigned their jobs
It's funny people resign their jobs just because they see this scheme as a blessing in disguise and a less strenuous way of becoming rich.

3. Those who invest their lives savings
When taking risk, it very wisdom on the part of a person to invest what he can afford to lose but many people seem to have been exceeding their boundary these days.

4. Those who marry without Jobs

Recently, men who are financially handicapped are beginning to get married with the notion that MMM will be their source of livelihood without the fear of unforeseen circumstances.

5. Those who no longer want to work
I overhead a man yesterday talking to his neighbour that, with MMM, he no longer needs a job and I began to shake my head at his ignorance.

6. Those who were sacked from work
Some people who were sacked from work will plunder their payment in lieu of notice into MMM so that their landlords will not send them packing.

7. Those who sell their properties
I have a neighbour who who recently sold his father's inheritance and plough the money into this scheme so that, at the end of the month, he would be able to buy a plot of land at Mowe and also buy himself a car.

8. Bankers

I pity some bankers who usually invest as much as N10m out of customers' savings just to get a profit of N3m in return.

9. Those who want to celebrate Christmas elaborately

Now that Christmas is around the corner, many will invest the little they have before November 25th, so that they can cash out before December 25th and celebrate with their loved ones.

10. Those whose girlfriends dumped them for being poor

Just because a lady dumped you for being poor, you ventured into MMM just to buy a car and make her jealous.

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