Thursday, October 20, 2016

Three Time Breast Cancer Survival Proudly showcase her body

The times Breast Cancer survival proudly flaunts her beautiful body as she recount her struggles and victories.   See photos after the cut

3 time survivor. Breast  cancer thought the 1st  time giving me 8 rounds of chemo and 36 sessions of radiation  that I would give up. When I came back stronger you got mad and took my breast the 2nd time  When my confidence level became stronger you then tried to kill me when I was diagnosed  with stage IV this  3rd time.  But my faith in God superseded any negativity  and giving up you thought I would have. No matter how much you come at me I will come stronger. By his stripes I am healed. #breastcancer cancer #metavivor

She wrote;

3 time survivor. Breast cancer thought the 1st time giving me 8 rounds of chemo and 36 sessions of radiation that I would give up. When I came back stronger you got mad and took my breast the 2nd time When my confidence level became stronger you then tried to kill me when I was diagnosed with stage IV this 3rd time. But my faith in God superseded any negativity and giving up you thought I would have. No matter how much you come at me I will come stronger. By his stripes I am healed. #breastcancer  cancer #metavivor  

I'm sharing my status to show everyone that no matter what you think you are going through keep pushing. I have served 12 years in the army 10 years overseas as a contractor. In between having cancer 3 times. Going broke over medical bills and bad credit to building myself back up more than what i was before. Dealing with stage IV for the rest of my life but still running my own cancer foundation, support group, traveling as a motivational speaker, apart of breast cancer projects and more. People ask me how I do it.... the power of prayer and the wonderful God we serve. Prayer without faith and work don't mix. When you pray have faith listen to God and work your plan. #cancersurvivor  #metavivor  #mbc  #breastless  

I received negative inbox messages about me exposing my chest. Look at my face. I don't care. Lol I show my scars to show how good God has been to me. Noone will stop my praise. 2 time survivor and loving it. #survivor  #breastless  #breastcancer  

It's breast cancer awareness month. What perfect timing to donate to Cherished Hearts Breast Cancer Foundation so we can continue to help those in need. 

I'm sharing my status to show everyone that no matter what you think you are going through keep pushing. I have served 12 years in the army  10 years overseas as a contractor.  In between having cancer 3 times.  Going broke over medical bills and bad credit to building myself back up more than what i was before. Dealing with stage IV  for the rest of my life but still running my own cancer foundation, support group, traveling as a motivational speaker, apart of breast cancer projects and more. People ask me how I do it.... the power of prayer and the wonderful God we serve. Prayer without faith and work don't mix.  When you pray have faith listen to God and work your plan. #cancersurvivor  #metavivor  #mbc  #breastless

It's breast cancer awareness  month.  What perfect timing to donate to Cherished  Hearts Breast Cancer Foundation so we can continue to help those in need. 
#donations #donationswelcome  #breastcancer  #cancer #survivor

Breast cancer awareness month. 2 time survivor.#cancer #breastless #breastcancerawareness #breastcancer #survivor

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