Saturday, October 15, 2016

The worst baby shower cakes revealed - some are truly terrifying

Photos of the worst baby shower cakes revealed... See photos after the cut

"Push, Connie. Push!"
The words above. On a cake ? Quite unsavoury, we feel. 

Now sure, creativity is to be celebrated, so too the time and effort people go to to give somebody a little sweetness in honour of a new baby . 

Quite what was going through the minds of these bakers is beyond us, however.
Below are a handful of cakes you might find a little trifling. There's everything from surgical instruments to flailing limbs.
The strange conceptions feature on a website named Cake Wrecks , which features elaborate designs gone wrong, and quizzical ideas made realities.
The cakes are on the subject of baby showers.

Baby shower cake

Baby shower cake

Baby shower cake

Baby shower cake

The worst baby shower cakes revealed - some are truly terrifying

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