Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Shocking story of a woman Who Didn't Know She was Pregnant Until She Gave Birth Narrates Her Story

A bar rep on summer vacation partying in Magaluf got the 'shock of her life' when she gave birth to a little girl after having no idea she was pregnant. 
According to Dailymail, Lindsey Howe, 23, from Blackley, had spent the last six years saving up to spend her summers in Magaluf, and this year was no different. In fact, she didn't know she was pregnant and had spent her summer working and playing hard in the Spanish party town and hadn't felt any different.
But on October 1, Lindsey woke up with severe stomach pain and went to see a doctor. It was only then that medics explained the pains were actually contractions and that she was 31 weeks pregnant.
She explained: 'Everything was normal really. I didn't put any weight on, I still had periods and I didn't have any morning sickness.
'The only thing I had noticed was I felt more tired. I just thought I was tired after work or nights out so I'd been going home earlier.
'And then I woke up on a Saturday morning with stomach pains. I phoned my mum and she told me to go to the doctors.
'They examined me and then they said I was pregnant. I said that wasn't possible, I couldn't be.'
'It all happened so quickly I can't remember a lot of it,' said Lindsey.
'I had to ring my mum to tell I was in labour and that I was 5cm dilated. 

'I was shocked but mainly worried because I knew she was premature.'
'I was thinking what am I going to do, I'm by myself?' said Lindsey.
'I'd never thought about having a baby at my age. It was like everything had changed in 24 hours.
'I'd gone from working in Magaluf as a promoter for the last six summers to a mum overnight.
'But when I finally got to hold her I fell in love straight away.
'I was just over the moon that she was okay.'
'I dont even know the father
Lindsey gave birth naturally to a little girl called Hope at 5.28pm on Saturday, October 1.
Baby Hope was nine weeks premature, weighing just 3lb and 4oz, and was taken immediately to an intensive care unit and placed in an incubator.

Baby Hope was kept in intensive care until she had gained enough weight to be moved into a 'medium care' room with her own cot.
As Lindsey had no idea she was pregnant over the summer, she had drank alcohol and partied as normal in Magaluf - and was horrified when she learned that she had unwittingly put her baby at risk.
But Lindsey says despite being premature, doctors say baby Hope is healthy and making good progress. Her parents and sister are now supporting the Lindsey.
Mum Carole Flannagan, 59, said: 'I nearly fainted when they told me she'd gone into labour.
'I never expected Lindsey to have a baby because she's such a party girl.
'This might quieten her down now. Hope's absolutely beautiful though.
'Everyone's absolutely over the moon at home. We just want to bring her home as soon as we can.' 

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