Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Plus-size model shed 240LBS reveals she halved her body weight after being told by a flight attendant to buy herself a second seat because of her size

Plus-size model Rosie Mercado who shed 240lbs said she was targeted by 'fat activists' who told her to kill herself after her dramatic weight loss.

The mother-of-three from Las Vegas said she does not 'miss anything' about being 410lbs but that she has received hate mail directed at her transformed body.

The 36-year-old, who used to be a size 34 and is now a 12/14, was told to 'jump off a bridge and kill myself' by people who objected to her weight loss, she claimed in an interview with TMZ.   

The 36-year-old from Las Vegas, pictured recently, said  

'I got hate mail...Not so much from the other models, just fans that hated on me. They told me to go jump off a bridge and kill myself for losing weight.
'Fat activists, there you go. Yeah fat activists, they just hated the thought I was really public about my weight loss and I was losing weight,' she said. 

While Rosie, who now weighs 170lbs, 'loves' her slimmer physique and the 'freedom' it has given her, she said some people reacted negatively to it.

She said: 'Because I guess everybody loves to be happy in their own weight. Some people love being overweight, some people don't.

Humiliated: The mother-of-three more than halved her body weight after being told by a flight attendant to buy herself a second seat because of her sizeHumiliated: The mother-of-three more than halved her body weight after being told by a flight attendant to buy herself a second seat because of her size

Abuse: Rosie said she was targeted by 'fat activists' who sent her hateful messagesAbuse: Rosie said she was targeted by 'fat activists' who sent her hateful messages
 Plus-size model shed 240LBS reveals she halved her body weight after being told by a flight attendant to buy herself a second seat because of her size

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