Sunday, October 30, 2016

Nigeria radio presenter Ogbuji Grace Amarachi, expose a man trying to blackmail her with a Lesbian Sextape she made year back

A bold Nigeria upcoming actress and Radio presenter, has boldly reveled her dirty past by exposing a man trying to blackmail her with a sex video she made with another woman while still in school years back.... See what she wrote after the cut

Journey to greatness begins with just a step and that's why am taking this bold step.  Please insta_darlings kindly support the movement, View!  Like!! Comment!!! and Repost!!!! Kindly tag your friends to also view, like and Comment. God bless you all.😍😉
@lindaikejimedia #vjsearch2016

We all have done  foolish things one time or the other in our lives...
Have actually done lot of foolish things,yeah lot of stupid things indeed...
Way back 2010/2011, was yet to gain admission,done with secondary education,somehow I got myself entangled in a lesbo relationship not because I was a lesbian ,out of curiosity after reading and seeing pornographic videos/images of girls making out,I just had this deep urge to have a feel of what it's like.‎ Well my foolish dream came true when somehow I actually got entangled in what I had always been curious to have. Just this once in my life,a video was made,well it felt good and seem sane to me then. Sometime in late August/mid September this year @ominiaho whom I actually met through the babe who did the video,he did threatened  to release the video online, way back 6years ago he did ask me out which I never did accepted and I never will,i simply wasn't interested. All of a sudden he popped up this year,calling,asking to see me,saying he's got a job for me and all that, asking to see me,fixed a date and all that which I didn't turn up to anyways, when he saw his plans to have me wasn't working he decided to threaten me with the video which happened like way back  6years ago. How he got the video I dont know? If he actually do have the video I don't know either!

I spoke to Drea who made the video today on my way back from church, just to clear the air even tho we haven't seen nor communicate in like years and she was shocked stating she doesn't have the video,she deleted it a long time ago and she's sure @ominiaho doesn't have the video,but still i'll drop this here.‎ Am I scared? YES! Did I make a mistake? YES,i did made a nasty mistake!! Have I moved on,YES I have!!!...I don't want to be another Chidinma Okeke,seeing chidinma okeke case I have no other choice but to voice out now. Am not going to lie or claim it was photoshopped, I did something stupid and am way over it and have moved on,but just incase one day something pops up,its all in the past!

She wrote'''#PartOne  We all have done  foolish things one time or the other in our lives... Have actually done lot of foolish things,yeah lot of stupid things indeed... Way back 2010/2011, was yet to gain admission,done with secondary education,somehow I got myself entangled in a lesbo relationship not because I was a lesbian ,out of curiosity after reading and seeing pornographic videos/images of girls making out,I just had this deep urge to have a feel of what it's like.‎ Well my foolish dream came true when somehow I actually got entangled in what I had always been curious to have. Just this once in my life,a video was made,well it felt good and seem sane to me then. Sometime in late August/mid September this year @ominiaho whom I actually met through the babe who did the video,he did threatened  to release the video online, way back 6years ago he did ask me out which I never did accepted and I never will,i simply wasn't interested. All of a sudden he popped up this year,calling,asking to see me,saying he's got a job for me and all that, asking to see me,fixed a date and all that which I didn't turn up to anyways, when he saw his plans to have me wasn't working he decided to threaten me with the video which happened like way back  6years ago. 

How he got the video I dont know? If he actually do have the video I don't know either! I spoke to Drea who made the video today on my way back from church, just to clear the air even tho we haven't seen nor communicate in like years and she was shocked stating she doesn't have the video,

she deleted it a long time ago and she's sure @ominiaho doesn't have the video,but still i'll drop this here.‎ 

Am I scared? YES! Did I make a mistake? YES,i did made a nasty mistake!! Have I moved on,YES I have!!!...I don't want to be another Chidinma Okeke,seeing chidinma okeke case I have no other choice but to voice out now. Am not going to lie or claim it was photoshopped, I did something stupid and am way over it and have moved on,but just incase one day something pops up,its all in the past! 

What the future holds honestly I don't know. Yes am scared of what's ahead simply because I don't even know what's ahead of me,am scared simply because I can't afford to be a failure, am scared of not achieving what have set out to achieve, am scared of having all these big goals,dreams,ambitions and vision boiling inside me,seriously my ambitions scares me! *oooopz* you know what, am scared like you too!!! ...but then been afraid,scared and worried doesn't stop and won't hinder God's plan for tomorrow. You have no idea about what tomorrow is all about, you only know about NOW, you don't know what next would happen in 5 sec. from now... it's simple, just let go,enjoy the arts of living,keep chasing that goal,dream and vision and most importantly TRUST GOD more, you have no power to effect any change you desire,only God can do that so trust God always. (Matthew 6 : 26) " behold the fowls (birds) of the air,for they sow not, neither do they reap,nor gather into barns,yet your heavenly father feeds them. Are ye not much any better than they? " Act like the birds of the air,they're not worried about tomorrow food,clothing or events. Let God take care of Tomorrow,while you take care of Today which you have at hand now. God will take care of you, He's faithful and yes He cares for you #WelcomeSeptember👏 #SeptemberWillBGreat 👏 #HappyNewMonth😘

#PartTwo  Have moved away from there,am in my future, a better place,working towards been a better person and making sure all my dreams/visions/ambitions become a reality and till I die i'll keep appreciating God grace who brought me out of Darkness into his marvelous light, i'll continously appreciate @praisefowowe whom God used as an instrument to bring me out of my mess unto God marvelous light. Been celibate for a long time,I was so close to having sex two weeks ago but when I remember how far have come,how far It took me to build my relationship with God,i don't want to ruin/destroy what have buildt with God by engaging in premarital sex and thus starting afresh to build my relationship with him (God) again. I know as Christians when you fall you get back up again and keep moving...I really don't wanna fall nor fail God. #MyLifeIsAstoryOfGrace ‎ #InGodsTimeEverythingWillUnfold  #AmNotAshamedOfMyPast  #LessonsLearntWell  #ProdigalPrincess  #LostButGodFoundMe  @ominiaho you want to release the video online,go ahead! Now am at peace. #Glory ‎

I decided to read the book of Esther in the bible this week,i really don't know why but then I had this deep sense to just read the whole chapters ( Esther chapter 1 to chapter 10) after reading a particular chapter I just chill and have a deep reasoning/conversation with the inner witness who reveal and open our eyes to things we can't or don't seem to understand. One thing in particular stand out in the life of Esther, she was highly favoured. God favour carried her from nowhere to somewhere and not just anyhow somewhere but into a palace as a queen to a mighty King. Favour distinguished her among other young maidens who were competing for the king attention and heart. God favour was visible after a 3days fasting and prayer and God used her to set her people free from the predicament which was about to befall them. God favour helped destroyed the enemy haman and mordecai was elevated... God favour do the unspeakable,God favour announce and open up blocked and closed destiny, God favour is a highly sort after gift. God favour can take you from the slum to the palace, God favour can make your enemy quench in same pit they've dug for you. God favour can open thousand doors human connections can't open. When God favour you Humans have no choice but to bless,favour,prosper and honour you,God favour breaks protocols. It's the night hour again, earnestly pray for God favour upon your life, home,family,relationship,marriage,academics etc. In all you do you sure do need God's favour. You can't accomplish it on your own, God favour gives you things you are suppose to accomplish in 20years in just 2years... Esther 2:15-17, 5:1-8, 7:1-10. Esther was favoured, you too can be favoured. Ask God to favour you.ߙ
Ogbuji Grace Amarachi

ABP Logistics Meeting. #NBC #CocacolaNigeria #Grace #Abeokuta #MC #Comedian #ImTheDifference #imNotBuildingBrandButLegacy
the blackmailer

I'm the future #AboutLastNight #WheresMyMissingRib? #HuaweiNigeria #GetOnANuLevel #EventHost #WheresMyQueen? #OminiAho #iBringNewFlames #imNotBuildingBrandButLegacy

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