Saturday, October 22, 2016

Mahedda celebrates 13 years Wedding Anniversary with her White Husband

Despite her controversial lifestyle, The actress is certainly enjoying her marriage life. Even more than most of Nigeria Famous couple.

He marriage has even lasted longer that we expected... The soft porn star took to her Instagram to celebrate 13years of traditional Marriage and 5years of white wedding

 Congrats  to her and her hubby

She wrote 'Today I celebrate 13years of traditional Marriage and 5years of white wedding 👰 is not easy to hold your marriage down for that long...... i just thank God for His love, grace , mercy and divine favor in my life..... and thanks to all my godmothers praying for me to be a better mother , wife and woman , I am a work in progress, thank mums!!!!🙏🏼 And thanks to all my fans that has been praying for me to be a better woman, thank you all... I am grateful!!! #gratitude  have a great day!!!! 

#WOW Mahedda show off extreme side boobs

It is no longer news if the Nigeria controversial socialist star decide to show off privates parts of her body to the world. Mahedda again show off plenty than the eyes can see to her instagram followers. see photos after the cut.

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