Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Singer Pete Burns reveals he's love for plastic surgery admit having over 300 operations to fix botched surgeries

Singer-songwriter Pete Burns has opened up about his obsession with plastic surgery, admitting he's had over 300 operations over the years to fix botched procedures - but is still in love with his appearance. 

The Dead Or Alive singer, 57, even nearly died following one operation to fix surgery then went wrong.

Appearing on Channel 5's Celebrity Botched Up Bodies, Pete says he first got plastic surgery 20 years ago, when You Spin Me Round became a success. 

He then went on to get four nose jobs, cheekbone implants, and had lots of countless amounts of work done to his lips.

Speaking of his first procedure, he shared: “I realised I was going to be a visual entity and that I had to look good."
“I had a broken nose. In the punk days somebody head butted me in Liverpool and it went over to one side.
“When you’re young, self-conscious and standing in front of a camera and the photographers are whispering, ‘Can we turn his head to the left?’ you think, ‘I’ll do something about it’.”
He then underwent a rhinoplasty to fix it, but the procedure went wrong.

"I woke up covered in blood. There was so much blood it was unbelievable,” he said.
“There were tubes up my nose. He’d removed most of my nose and there was just two nostrils and a little bit of bone in the middle. I nearly fainted.”
Pete then underwent more surgery to fix it - that was the first of "probably 300".
“The amount of surgeries I’ve had are absolutely minimal compared to the reconstructive surgeries I’ve had. Probably 300,” he said.

Pete Burns on Channel 5’s Celebrity Botched Up Bodies

Pete Burns in Dead Or Alive music video for 'You Spin Me Round'

Pete Burns in 1985 and 2015
Pete Burns on Channel 5’s Celebrity Botched Up Bodies

Pete also recalled the time he was performing with Scissor Sisters when he realised something was wrong with his lower lip which had filler in at the time.

He then went back to the surgeon to get excess fluid drained.
“He held me down on the operating table and punched two syringes in,” he revealed.
“At least a pint and a half of yellow steaming fluid was vomited out of the lip.”

 Pete Burns on Channel 5’s Celebrity Botched Up Bodies

Pete Burns on Channel 5’s Celebrity Botched Up Bodies

Even worse, Pete said the filler started spreading to the rest of his face, leaving holes in his skin which would ooze yellow fluid.

After the infection spread to the rest of his body and with his lips needing possible amputation, he sued the surgeon and won £450,000 in an out of court settlement.

Reliving the horror, he said: “I’ve had a major operation a week for two years to remove it from my cheeks where it had migrated, my Adam’s apple, the back of my eyes…”
“They couldn’t do anything about the liver and the kidneys. I had to excrete that out.”

Doctors even had to remove a piece of his stomach to create a lower and upper lip.
“I was clinically depressed. Two years is a long time out of your life.”
But things were about to get even worse for Pete.

“I developed blood clots and pulmonary embolisms in my legs, heart and lungs,” he continued.
“I got these black marks on my skin and I thought they were bruises. The next thing my driver came in and I was unconscious, not breathing.”

Pete Burns on Channel 5’s Celebrity Botched Up Bodies
He was rushed to hospital where he was told he had less than two per cent chance of survival.
He was put on blood thinners and after 10 days, doctors managed to save him.

But despite his brush with death, Pete is undeterred.
“What I’m trying to achieve with my surgery is my own personal satisfaction. It’s narcissism at its extreme."

Viewers will also see his long-time surgeon removing fillers that he got from someone else.
"It sounds like Giovanni is opening my face up and sucking everything out. Am I nervous? Yes."
"I’ve got staples, nuts, bolts, stitches, the whole lot. I’m Frankenstein. I’m feeling wonderful. I’ve got complete flexibility, not tightness at all,” he said.

“People might think I’m the ugliest son of a b**ch alive but I want to maintain this appearance.”

Singer Pete Burns reveals he's love for plastic surgery admit having over 300 operations to fix botched surgeries

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