Monday, September 26, 2016

Lindsay Lohan claims she paid for her own engagement ring ex Egor Tarabasov gave her

Hollywood Actress Lindsay Lohan appeared on Russian TV and claimed her former flame didn't contribute one penny to their union – calling him a 'lazy layabout'.

On top of her heated words, the one-time Hollywood golden girl said Egor's jet-set lifestyle is funded entirely by his wealthy businessman father.

In an emotional interview, Lindsay said: 'He does not have money. What could I do? We lived in my home. I paid for everything. His father paid for many things, but mainly I was paying.

'But it was mistake. I should have said to him, "Do something, I can't do everything alone". I'm a 30-year-old woman and I was supporting a guy who didn't work.'  

Lindsay claimed that during their well-publicised rows Egor beat her and alleged that she covered up the bruises.

Lindsay said: 'I feel I was used. It is the first time I am in such a relationship when I was beaten, it is painful for me. I don't want it, I am not a victim, I am a strong person. 

'I should have stopped it when the first signs came. But it is very hard for me to say goodbye.
'I feel quite uncomfortable about the last few months with Egor. Would you feel normal with bruises on your legs? That was really hard for me.'  

She went on: 'For some time I was thinking he was a good man. I feel ashamed to confess that my logical mind switched off. I used to say "forgive me" the next morning because I wanted to have peace.

'This is how I became one more beaten woman who is scared to confess it.'

Moscow native Egor is the son of a successful Russian businessman who owns several transport companies. He is listed as the boss of a London property company Home House Estates and shareholder in a Moscow bank, but Lindsay claimed he has no significant wealth.

Former wildchild Lindsay is well known for her erratic off-screen behaviour, partying and has spent time in rehab. 

Lindsay said of the early days of their romance: 'Everything was very relaxed. He was a very charming, very attractive young man, very open and honest. But initially there was no information on who he is, it was strange. 

'Nobody really knew I was living in London. Suddenly everyone got to know about it. And it was all because of that very man. 

'He was very excited about it, that they were writing about a Russian guy, a multi-millionaire who is with Lindsay Lohan now.

'My life in London was so private and this guy who proposed to me just betrays me for the sake of publicity.' 

Lindsay told Kremlin-owned Channel One TV that the death knell came during a row on the balcony of her £3million home in London in July. 

'I was at home, I was sleeping, he broke into the house, he was drunk and began to strangle me,' she said.

'I jumped out to the balcony, I was shouting. He is trying to kill me, call the police, anybody! Two people filmed it and called police.'   

Since the split, the flame-haired beauty has been linked with Greek restaurant owner Dennis Papageorgiou but it appears the star is enjoying her single status in a recent Instagram post.
Firing back: Lindsay Lohan's 'flat broke' former fiancé Egor Tarabasov has hit back at the troubled star's claims that she had to buy her own engagement ring
 Lindsay Lohan claims she paid for her own engagement ring ex Egor Tarabasov gave her

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