A mother has told how her 11-month-old baby was snatched from her bed in the middle of the night and raped for two hours before she was found unconscious in bushes with her clothes ripped, nail marks all over her body and covered in blood. 

The mother, 25, let out a piercing scream as she realised the toddler had been taken as she slept in her parents' bed in a tent on a building site in Delhi, India. 

'I woke up and she was gone,' she told MailOnline.  'I don’t know what stirred me but when I knew she was missing I was screaming and crying for help.'

Recalling the ordeal, she explained how it took a frantic 30 minute police search before the girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was finally discovered by police.

She said she fears her daughter will now suffer from long-term health problems after being taken from the bed where her husband and their four-year-old son also slept.

The family were living in a tent because her father, 27, had been earning £2 a day as a labourer constructing a new police residential complex in Vikaspuri, Delhi, northern India, and couldn't afford to pay for more expensive accommodation.

His wife of eight years said: 'We were used to sleeping this way. Many people sleep next to their work in Delhi, I thought we were ok.' 
But when she woke up at 1am, to her horror, her baby was missing.

Frantic: Her desperate mother, 25, who cannot be named for legal reasons, told MailOnline how she woke to find her daughter missing. 'I just screamed,' she said

Ordeal: After an agonising 30 minute search for the girl she was finally found in bushes with her clothes torn and blood and nail marks all over her tiny body

Panic: Her mother, who woke to find the girl gone, told MailOnline: 'We shouted for help. I was shouting so loudly I woke everyone up in nearby tents and they started looking for her.'

Frantic: Her desperate mother, 25, who cannot be named for legal reasons, told MailOnline how she woke to find her daughter missing. 'I just screamed,' she said

She said: 'We shouted for help. I was shouting so loudly I woke everyone up in nearby tents and everyone started looking for my daughter. I was crying for help.

'We didn’t expect this. We were at peace. I thought we were safe. We all work together. It’s nice. We didn’t expect that something like this could happen. We didn’t do anything wrong, didn’t fight with anyone. I felt completely helpless.'

One of the other labourers called the police, who arrived at 1.30am, and officials quickly arrived and searched the area.

Eventually they found the girl in a nearby jungle area at 2am. She had her clothes torn and there were bloody scratch marks across her little body.

She was treated at Deen Dayal Upadhyay Hospital's gynaecology department for severe bleeding.

The mother went on: 'When I saw the police holding my baby I was shocked, I couldn’t speak,. I was numb. I was crying. How did it happen?'

Her husband is overwhelmed with guilt that he could not protect his daughter.

He told MailOnline: 'I am shocked. I never believed this would happen to my family. I don’t know what to think but God will now punish him for what he has done to my daughter.
‘We do not want to stay here now. We’ll go somewhere else. But right now, we cannot make any decisions, we are too shocked. We have to keep working and earning money but we are too devastated to think clearly.’

The girl is now recovering after needing stitches.

Unsafe: The family had been staying in a tent on the building site in Delhi as the husband is a labourer earning just £2 a day and they couldn't afford more expensive accommodation

Fears: The girl was taken to hospital bleeding profusely and needed stitches on her appalling injuries. Her parents now fear for the long term health implications and fear for the future

Arrest: A man aged 42 has been charged with raping the girl and has reportedly told police he put the girl through a two hour ordeal. He is being held at Tihar Jail in India awaiting trial

Toddler snatched from her bed as she slept next to her mother at midnight. The Woman, 25, woke at 1am to find daughter missing and screamed for help, Following frantic search, the little girl was finally found in bushes at 2am, Her clothes were ripped, she was covered in blood and had been raped. The victim may face long term health issues as result of her horrific ordeal

Pushpendra Kumar, Deputy Commissioner of Police (West Delhi), confirmed that a man was arrested and has been charged with rape.

Vijay Singh, 42, has reportedly admitted that he took the child to the bushes beside a drain and raped her for almost two hours.

Mr Kumar said: ‘We found the baby around 2am in the nearby jungle with her clothes torn. The accused has been arrested and the charge sheet has been filed. He is now locked up in Tihar Jail until the case reaches court.’