Wednesday, August 10, 2016

I Can't Keep A Relationship For Long, Please Help

I Am Very Confused What Should I Do?

For sometime now i have been trying to hide this problem of mine,but now i can't hide it any longer because its really getting out of hand i just had to muster courage to type this because a problem shared ,they say is Half solved.

whenever i see a girl i like i would want to get her and assure my self that i will date her and eventually marry her i will also tell my friends that once i get her am not going to date any other lady.but when the lady agrees to date me after highest a month i would get tired of her and break-up with her. the longest relationship i ever had was 2months and it made me feel bitter when i heard a guy saying he is in the 3rd year now with his g.f i was just wondering how he did that. its really not funny i told my bestie bout it and she said maybe its because am an introvert and its because i don't have sex with my g.f so it gets boring for me and currently am dating a girl but am getting bored again as usually and i really love this lady but i fear i will soon break-up with her again and i don't want this to happen...pls how can i enjoy a relationship without involving sex ??

Matured minds please its really important and perhaps others might benefit from your advice also.thanks!

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