Friday, July 29, 2016

Motorcylist who broke his back, lost his right leg turns bodybuilder

After a devastating motorcycle accident left him permanently disabled, a former mechanic has started a successful new career as a bodybuilder. See photos after the cut

Jay Vincent broke his back, lost his right leg and suffered debilitating injuries to his right arm and shoulder after smashing his motorbike into a telegraph pole at 90mph.

Just 17 at the time, he spent three weeks in a coma and a further three months in intensive care, leaving the hospital six months later weak and weighing only seven stone.

“When I came out of the coma I was in a bad way” said Jay. “I had a fractured spine, my arm was broken in three places, I had a shattered collarbone, elbow, wrist, and pelvis, and four broken ribs puncturing both lungs.

“My right leg had been torn off above the knee, and I had ripped the nerves out controlling most of my right arm, making it almost useless.

“I felt sickened and didn’t know how I could face life with half of my body missing or not functioning.”

But lying in his hospital bed, Jay resolved not to let his injuries get the better of him and decided to focus on the positives in his situation.

Having always been fit and active before, he vowed to do everything he could to build his strength back up.

“I was determined to get back on track and to get as fit and as strong as I could. As soon as I got my artificial leg I went back to work as a mechanic and hit the gym.”

Unable to exercise the damaged right side of his body he focused on his left, defying the advice of his doctors to train hard and change his diet.

Fired up by his newfound sense of purpose, Jay gave up junk food and adopted a high protein diet purchased from a sports nutrition website Muscle Food

“I could feel myself getting stronger and the gains spurred me on to train even harder,” he says.

Now seven years on, Jay is in the best shape of his life and has packed on muscle to double his bodyweight to 14 stone.

Fitness has become such a central focus that two years ago he left his job as a mechanic and retrained as a personal trainer, to devote himself to his passion full time.

Jay’s girlfriend Gemma Johnson also plans to become a personal trainer so that the couple, who first bonded over their love of exercise, can work together.

The pair, from Chester, regularly compete in challenges together and Gemma also shares Jay’s interest in bodybuilding.

As Jay says: “Now Gemma and I train together all the time and we have even started taking part in contests together, both winning awards and being recognised for our efforts.”

His bodybuilding success is testament Jay’s determination and resilience, and shows just how far he’s come since his terrible accident in 2009.

“I thought my life was over but the truth was it was only just beginning. Thanks to the support of friends and family and my love of the gym I have turned it all around and now I’m in the best shape of my entire life. I feel great.”

Reflecting on his accomplishments, Jay says: “I love life and I hope my story shows that everyone can achieve a great level of fitness, no matter what the obstacles might be.”

 Motorcylist who broke his back, lost his right leg turns bodybuilder

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