Friday, July 8, 2016

Beyonce, Chris Brown, Barack Obama, Gabrielle Union ; Celebrities react to the brutal killing of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile by White Policemen

Celebrities like Beyonce, Chris Brown, Gabrielle Union, even the President Barack Obama, have all reacted to the brutal killing of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile by White Policemen. Hundreds of celebrities and politicians have joined the masses of people expressing outrage over the latest police involved shooting that happened in Minnesota on Wednesday night.

Philando Castile was shot dead by a police officer with the St. Anthony Village Police Department in Falcon Heights, Saint Paul, Minnesota after being pulled over with his girlfriend and her daughter for a broken tail light. 

One day earlier in Louisiana, Alton Sterling, 37, was killed in a confrontation with two officers in Baton Rouge after police received a complaint about a man threatening others with a gun while selling CDs.

Both police unrelated incidents have became topics on social media among celebrities who are angered and frustrated about the deaths of black men at the hands of police in America. 

Especially since the deaths of both black men at the hands of police officers were recorded and went viral immediately after their occurrences.

Philando CastileAlton Sterling

Fellow musician Chris Brown used Instagram to comment on the recent shootings, posting up a cover of The New York Daily News showing Sterling's body with the message 'His hands were empty'.

Two hours later he put the song My Friend up for free on Soundcloud, saying 'This song I released for free for anybody dealing with injustice or struggle in their lives.'
The song appears to be about a break-up, but includes the lyrics 'I can't even cry/Anxiety at night/Can't make up excuses/Gotta face the music.'
He also posted an update that appeared to lament the loss of the Black Panthers: the top half of the image shows a historic photo of armed members of the organization, while the bottom shows a group of black people holding their hands up.
The text on the image reads: 'We went from this... to this!' Brown's own caption reads 'I'm tired.'

Injustice: Musician Chris Brown made a series of Instagram posts in which he lamented cop-on-black violence, including an image of Alton Sterling's body

Release: Brown released the song My Friend 'for anybody dealing with injustice or struggle in their lives'

'Tired': A few hours after releasing the song, Brown posted this image, apparently lamenting the loss of the Black Panthers, with the remark 'I'm tired'

Grey's Anatomy star, Jesse Williams, is one of the many well-known faces to speak out against both of their deaths online. 

Williams, gave an impassioned speech about the re-occurring issue while accepting an award at the BET awards last month. 

He tweeted: 'In the interest of time, would ye noble patriots please provide a list of infractions punishable by spontaneous public execution? Thanks! ... 
'Upon receipt of this list, we'll return to our quarters and study up, eager to enjoy freedoms of white mass murders. #LIFEHACK
'You chumps will NEVER provide this list... We see through you.' 

President Obama issued a statement on his Facebook page about both shootings in Louisiana and Minnesota. 

'All Americans should be deeply troubled by the fatal shootings of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and Philando Castile in Falcon Heights, Minnesota,' it reads. 
'We've seen such tragedies far too many times, and our hearts go out to the families and communities who've suffered such a painful loss.
'Although I am constrained in commenting on the particular facts of these cases, I am encouraged that the U.S. Department of Justice has opened a civil rights investigation in Baton Rouge, and I have full confidence in their professionalism and their ability to conduct a thoughtful, thorough, and fair inquiry.'
In closing the statement, Obama said that all Americans should come together as a nation.
'...all Americans should recognize the anger, frustration, and grief that so many Americans are feeling -- feelings that are being expressed in peaceful protests and vigils. 

Actress Gabrielle Union took to Twitter and wrote: 'Ppl (sic) have the ability to be outraged about failing to see the humanity of a GORILLA, but magically don't have the ability to see our worth.'

Bravo executive producer and host of Watch What Happens Live Andy Cohen tweeted about Sterling's death on Wednesday before taking to Twitter again to tweet about Castile's death. 

Beyonce, Chris Brown, Barack Obama, Gabrielle Union ; Celebrities react to the brutal killing of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile by White Policemen

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