Wednesday, June 29, 2016

landlord share socking photos of tenants rooms filled with Poo, rubbish and piles of cigarette

A stunned landlord has released shocking photos of the house, showing cupboards covered in mould, piles of cigarette butts, and faeces smeared across rooms. See photos after the cut

A landlord has issued a graphic warning about vetting potential tenants after he shared shocking pictures of his home covered in faeces - leaving him with a 10,000 bill.
A furious landlord has revealed how 'tenants from hell' trashed his maisonette and left poo smeared across the rooms - costing him a whopping £10,000. 

Nick Saunders, 35, has released shocking photos of his three-bedroom property in Plymouth, Devon, as a warning to others to vet potential tenants. The disgusting images show cupboards covered in mould, cigarette butts piled up on surfaces, and even faeces smeared over a duvet. 

They also depict rubbish strewn across a room, including bits of paper, discarded cardboard boxes, dirty cutlery and empty packets.
Piles of faeces are left in the hallway of the three-bedroom maisonette
A cupboard can be seen covered in a brown-coloured substance and mould

Nick said he was left out of pocket after renting his maisonette to an unidentified couple he described as 'the tenants from hell'.

The landlord said the pair, who had two young children, three pet dogs and two rats, allowed excrement to build up in several rooms.

Nick served the pair with an eviction notice five months into their six-month contract, but the dispute ended up lasting almost a year before bailiffs finally moved in.

The landlord said: "You literally couldn't breathe when you went in to the house because the smell was so bad.

"The dogs were allowed to urinate on the floors, they had taken all the carpets up and when we finally got rid of them, we found two rats in the boiler.

"They said they had one dog, which I was fine with, but they actually had three and there was excrement everywhere.

"They clearly never cleaned anything and damp had set in. I bought a dehumidifier and encouraged them to open windows but they let the place rot.

"I moved to the other side of town for my children's education, so my parents had to bear a lot of the pain.

Nick Saunders released the photos as a warning to others to vet potential tenants
A washing line hangs inside the maisonette, rented by the 'tenants from hell'
He said the pair had two young children, three pet dogs (above) and two rats

"It was extremely stressful and disrespectful. They really were the tenants from hell."

He added: "Between the unpaid rent, legal costs and the refurbishment of the house, I'd say I'm £10,000 out of pocket.

"I have a mortgage and family of my own to provide for. They have no possessions or income so I'll probably never get it back."

Dad-of-two Nick privately let his home to the couple on a six-month term.

But he said after they repeatedly failed to pay the agreed £600 monthly rent, he served them with one month's notice to leave.

A legal dispute meant the tenants remained in the property for almost a year, by which stage Nick and his parents had collected a number of images showing the damage that the house had suffered.

landlord share socking photos of tenants rooms filled with Poo, rubbish and piles of cigarette

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