Thursday, April 7, 2016

Chris brown get sued by Street Artist Over His Graffiti Tag "KONFUSED"
As an artist, Chris Brown has been painting under the name of 'Konfuzed.' However, it appears there was another artist using a very similar name years before Chris Brown tried his hand at it. Andre Khazrei, aka Konfused, is suing Brown in legal documents that surfaced today. Khazrei claims he's been using the name 'Konfused' since 2003, and even has it on various merch. 

He says that now Brown is using 'Konfuzed' on his own clothing line, which will, well, cause confusion. In the documents, Khazrei alleges even Brown himself can't keep the two names straight-- at L.A.'s Grammy Museum he signed one of paintings with an 's' instead of a 'z.'
Khazrei is suing Breezy for damages and is demanding that the singer stop using the name immediately.

Chris Brown has documented his love for painting, and specifically, graffiti in the past year or so. The singer has been painting canvases, walls in his home and more, which he often shows off on his Instagram. It's more than just hobby, as he's been selling his work for a hefty price tag as well (i.e. upwards of $15,000). 

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