Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Boko Haram Now Producing their own Fuel In Sambisa
The dangerous group Boko Haram is now producing its own fuel to power its motorbikes because of an acute petrol shortage caused by a military squeeze on supply lines. A senior military source said the Islamists were paying huge sums of money for jerrycans of fuel while a woman who recently escaped from the group said they were making groundnut oil into biodiesel.

“Boko Haram were paying outrageous sums to get fuel and the incredible profit margin made young men defy the risk and take fuel to them,” said the source in the Borno state capital, Maiduguri.

“The cutting off of fuel supplies has badly crippled Boko Haram and that has been made possible by blocking all identified supply routes and the crackdown on the suppliers,” he told AFP.

Fuel vendors seeking to exploit the group’s need for fuel could sell each 25-litre jerrycan for 50,000 to 70,000 naira ($250-$350, 222-311 euros) each, said escapee Ya-Mairam Ya-Malaye.

A jerrycan of fuel in Maiduguri costs only $13.

The actions of all these groups , book haram, militants and smugglers, is it not putting Nigerian government in a shameful position ? And then we'll be wondering how they're able to gain the support of many people. If the govt of Africa's biggest economy is being schooled by such groups, do we need a govt at all ?

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