Friday, March 4, 2016

Serbian migrants 'gang-rape German 14 year-old schoolgirl, while 15-year-old girl films it - then throw her onto the street

Bosko Pavlovic, a Serbian migrant, is being hunted by police in Germany for his part in the alleged gang rape of a 14-year-old schoolgirl

A 14-year-old schoolgirl was allegedly raped by a Serbian gang of migrants in Germany who also reportedly filmed the horrific act. The girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, had been invited back home by another older Serbian girl, 15, who was allegedly part of the group.

Instead of helping her, the 15-year-old girl filmed the sickening ordeal for the Serbian gang, whose ages ranged from 14 to 21.

Three members of the gang are facing attempted murder charges after being accused of throwing the schoolgirl, who was wearing almost nothing, outside into the courtyard. 

Alexander Nicolas Kampf, 16, is also wanted by police in connection to the attack

Alexander Nicolas Kampf, 16, is also wanted by police in connection to the attack

The other two members, named locally as Boris Pavlovic, 21, and 16-year-old Alexander Nicolas Kampf are currently on the run. 

The victim only agreed to go along to the house as she felt safe as there was another girl in the group, unaware of the trap.

According to police, the horrific incident took place in the Harburg area of the German city of Hamburg.

The girl was allegedly plied with alcohol by the young Serbians along with the other girl before she was allegedly raped.

After the ordeal, the victim claims she was thrown outside almost naked into the freezing courtyard of the property where she almost died from hypothermia.
Local media reported that the gang had wanted her to have a drink to make her feel more relaxed, but when she was completely intoxicated they had then taken it in turns to rape her.

Police said that two of the rapists, aged 14 and 16, as well as the 15-year-old that filmed it, were already being held in investigative custody. 

The victim was spotted almost unconscious by a local who raised the alarm.
She was taken with 'life-threatening hypothermia' to hospital for emergency treatment.
Prosecutor Nana Frombach said the badly-injured girl had little memory of what had happened.

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