Friday, March 4, 2016

Photo shows underground tunnels ISIS Jihadi group escape routes to evade coalition airstrikes in Iraq

ISIS's secret underground tunnels to evade coalition airstrikes in Iraq revealed
A deep network of underground tunnels have been uncovered in Iraq, revealing how ISIS have been carefully maintaining escape routes for its fighters as they try to avoid coalition airstrikes. Photos after the cut.

The tunnels were discovered by Kurdish forces when the Peshmerga managed to re-take the Yazidi majority town of Sinjar last December.

Burrowing deep into the ground, some of the chambers are thought to be 30 feet deep, allowing ISIS fighters to hide out and move freely out of the way of airstrikes.

Revealed: A first look inside the tunnels has found that the jihadis even wired the underground chambers with electricity

Uncovered: The tunnels were discovered by Kurdish forces when the Peshmerga managed to re-take the Yazidi majority town of Sinjar 

Although 70 tunnels have been uncovered, Kurdish and Iraqi forces remain concerned that more secret layers may have been constructed in other parts of the town. 

'There is a tunnel under every alley, street and public building that remains intact,' Wais Faiq, head of Sinjar town council told the International Business Times.

Devastating: Mr Faiq said that ISIS had 'dug so many to the extent that they completely destroyed the infrastructure of Sinjar'

Terrifying: Although 70 tunnels have been uncovered, Kurdish and Iraqi forces remain concerned that more secret layers may have been constructed in other parts of the town

Uncovered: A member of the Peshmerga forces inspects a tunnel used by ISIS militants in the town of Sinjar

Dangerous: Many of the tunnels have abandoned by the jihadis, who have rigged the chambers with explosives

Concerning: Many of the tunnels have been bored by the sappers through the floors and walls of houses

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