Friday, February 26, 2016

Desperate migrants try to HANG themselves after being stopped from entering Athens in Greece

Greek officials estimate 20,000 migrants have been stranded there after neighbouring Macedonia abruptly shut its border on Monday to anyone not Syrian or Iraqi

Two desperate men yesterday attempted to hang themselves in a square in the centre of Athens as frustrations grew with border closures that have stopped people leaving. One of the men, a Pakistani, was left unconscious after tying a noose made from twisted lengths of fabric to a tree and was taken to hospital. Photos after the cut.

Meanwhile, Greece has warned it would not be turned into ‘warehouse of souls’ by the rest of the Europe after tens of thousands of migrants were left trapped in the country.

Two desperate men yesterday attempted to hang themselves in a square in the centre of Athens as frustrations grew with border closures

At a makeshift migrant camp in one of the capital’s suburbs, hundreds queued for food.
Greek officials estimate 20,000 migrants have been stranded there after neighbouring Macedonia abruptly shut its border on Monday to anyone not Syrian or Iraqi.
With all migrant centres full, Greek authorities have started using stadiums as temporary accommodation.
One of the men, a Pakistani, was left unconscious after tying a noose made from twisted lengths of fabric to a tree and was taken to hospital
The UN’s refugee agency yesterday announced it is looking to lease entire hotels with hundreds of rooms for at least nine months.

More than 800,000 people last year arrived from Turkey on the Greek islands, where they got boats to Athens and then headed to the Balkans and continued their journeys up through Europe.

The Greek Prime Minister has warned his country will block future EU agreements if other member states refused to share the burden of refugees

The men, one of whom was unconscious, were rushed to hospital from the square, a common destination for migrants when they reach Athens from the Aegean Sea islands

 Other migrants tend to two Pakistani men who tried to commit suicide by hanging themselves with twisted lengths of fabric from a tree in central Athens' Victoria Square

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