Thursday, February 25, 2016

Bill Gates respond On Beyonce music Lyric about him

Bill gate might have listened to Beyonce’s new single “Formation” and immediately recognize her lyric singing
 “You just might be a black Bill Gates in the making, cause I slay / I just might be a black Bill Gates in the making.”
Apparently Gates isn’t an avid member of the Beyhive, because he didn’t even realize he’d been referenced until someone at the Gates Foundation sent him a copy of the lyrics. see what he said after the cut.

Bill said “Are you serious?” was his initial response, before continuing, “this is kind of a strange set of words here.” Despite his inability to understand the dialectic nuances of Beyonce’s lyrics, he did say, “it’s nice that people consider me successful.” If there’s one thing you can perfect as one of the richest men in the world, it’s the humblebrag.

Gates then briefly discusses his relationship with Jay Z and considers doing a Bing search of his name, to “see if there are more uses of my name that I don’t know about.” We aren’t sure that’s such a great idea Bill, the internet can be a pretty dark place.

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