Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Woman collapses as she and a man are caned under Sharia law in Indonesia because they were seen 'in close proximity' of each other without being married

Indonesian woman is caned under Sharia law

The woman was marched into the yard of the Baiturrahumim Mosque in Banda Aceh, Indonesia and lashed five times after allegedly showing affectionate behaviour to a fellow student. After being brought to the stage as the crowd cheered, the woman was forced to kneel down while a masked man repeatedly whipped her with the cane, main. She received five lashes and at the end of the punishment could be seen lying on the floor doubled over in pain, inset. 

Under the law men and women, who are not spouses, are not allowed to get too close due to the the 'khalwat' offence and punishment is by public caning. After being brought to the stage as the crowd cheered, the woman was forced to kneel down while a masked man repeatedly whipped her with the cane.

The woman is brought to the stage by two female members of the Sharia Police and is put in position on her knees

She screams out in agony after being whipped in a caning ceremony outside a mosque in Indonesia's Banda Aceh region

The woman was forced to endure the punishment after breaking the region's strict Sharia law on being to close to a man she was not married to 

After being brought to the stage as the crowd cheered, the woman was forced to kneel down while a masked man repeatedly whipped her with the cane

In total, the woman received five lashes from the masked man who carried out the caning outside the mosqueIn total, the woman received five lashes from the masked man who carried out the caning outside the mosque

Despite the punishment being over, she was unable to rise to her feet and was seen lying down clutching her shoulder 

Despite the punishment being over, she was unable to rise to her feet and was seen lying down clutching her shoulder 

She was eventually picked up by officials and carried to a waiting ambulance, where she had to be taken to hospital for treatment 

Also being caned was the man she was accused of getting too close to and he was forced to stand while being whipped.
Meanwhile four other men were also forced to endure the punishment for gambling, which is also outlawed under Sharia law.

The man that she was accused of getting close to was also brought to the stage afterwards and received the same punishment, picturedThe man that she was accused of getting close to was also brought to the stage afterwards and received the same punishment, pictured

The man was forced to stand as he also received five lashes to his back for breaking strict Sharia law 

The masked man, a member of the Sharia Police receives the cane he uses to carry out the public punishment 

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