Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Inside terrifying ISIS dungeon Prison where women prisoners were kept locked UNDER THE DESERT hot sun

A dungeon deep in the desert where ISIS militants kept women prisoners trapped underground has been discovered. The ISIS militants are thought to have kept Yazidi woman prisoners inside the tiny, cramped space. The women would have had barely any space to move and would have spent hours in complete darkness. Despite this, heartbreaking images show how the prisoners drew on the walls, keeping a diary of their horrifying time locked up. photos after the cut.

As seen in a Sky News investigation, one drawing appears to show a large house with a car and animals outside. It is not known what happened to the women believed to have been kept in the brutal dungeon.
It comes after reports that ISIS have constructed a missile capable of bringing down a jet.
Activists in Syria claim western defectors to ISIS with experience in engineering have managed to successfully create the devastating weapon - which could potentially down aircraft if the reports are true.

See inside ISIS dungeon where terrfied women prisoners were kept locked underground
See inside ISIS dungeon where terrfied women prisoners were kept locked underground
See inside ISIS dungeon where terrified women prisoners were kept locked underground
See inside ISIS dungeon where terrfied women prisoners were kept locked underground

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