Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Doctors stunned after patient delivers baby boy with a headless parasitic twin attached

Parasitic twin
Doctors in India claim to have delivered a baby boy with the arms and legs of his headless parasitic twin jutting out of his tiny body. In what a paediatrician has described as "a rare case", the boy is fully-formed, while his parasitic twin has its hands, legs, bladder, anus and excretory system intact. The twin's heart, kidneys and head are said to be missing.

Medics said they were planning surgery to remove the arms and legs of the boy's parasitic twin as soon as possible, providing his condition is stable enough. They are confident the boy will go on to lead a healthy life.

The unnamed baby's mum, Laxshmi, 24, lives in Perugopannapalli village, in Krishnagiri, Tamil Nadu, India.

 Parasitic twin

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