Friday, December 18, 2015

Chris Brown Responds To Meek Mill's Probation Ruling
Chris Brown is coming to the defense of his friend Meek Mill after the rapper was found guilty of violating his probation.  Meek is facing a year in jail time when he is sentenced early next year. The judge has ruled that he is not allowed to work or perform, except for doing community service, until the February 5 hearing. 

 “wish the judge could see the influence meek mill can have out of jail more than in it. Y’all wanna lock him up but what about FREDDIE GRAY?” Chris tweeted. “The system is set on bullsh-t. The DAs and JUDGES get just as high as the next man and f–k people’s lives up!”  Chris wrote many more tweets on the subject and even referred to his own probation in the past. Click inside to see the rest.   

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