Thursday, December 3, 2015

Britain begins bombing Syria just 57 minutes after MPs vote to attack by massive majority

Britain’s MPs vote in favour of Syria airstrikes against ISIS
British fighter jets today started bombing ISIS-controlled oil fields in Syria in a bid to disrupt the revenues which the jihadist group depends on to wage terror around the world, hours after Parliament voted to authorise air strikes in the country. This morning eight more jets, six Typhoons and two Tornados, flew out from RAF Lossiemouth in Scotland to join the raids on Syria in response to a request from Britain's allies.

 Hilary Benn defies Jeremy Corbyn to convince Labour to back Syria airstrikes
Seven precision-guided 500lb Paveway bombs have been dropped on the east of the country in two separate raids by Tornado jets flying out from RAF Akrotiri, in Cyprus, with the first mission setting off just 57 minutes after MPs voted in favour of military action.
Defence Secretary Michael Fallon insisted this morning that it was necessary to disrupt ISIS's sources of revenue and arms by bombing oil fields - but confirmed that the RAF would consider providing air support to allied troops on the ground in the future. 

Raids: British Tornado bombers returning to their base at RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus after flying air raids over ISIS targets in Syria
Mission: A Tornado on the runway at RAF Akrotiri following the first bombing raids in Syria this morning
Bombing: The initial targets hit by the Tornado planes, pictured, were ISIS-controlled oil fields which provide the terror group with its revenues
On the runway: Two of the Tornados which carried out the first bombing raids pictured after their return to Cyprus
Two of the four Tornado aircraft deployed from the Cyprus base are pictured taking off in the early hours of Thursday morning
A RAF Tornado takes off from RAF Akrotiri last night as the airstrikes on Syria begin hours after the vote in the House of Commons
A Tornado GR4 jet takes off from Royal Air Force Marham last night. The first two jets deployed targeted an oil field in eastern Syria
A Tornado jet takes off from RAF Akrotiri, in Cyprus, within hours of MPs voting in favour of military action in Syria

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